We just came across this gem. Reason this one out. For those who believe that there was a flood and that Noah was a preacher of righteousness....
This is from a documentary we watched and a book we are reading....
When God talked to Noah and told him he was destroying the Earth, JUDGEMENT HAD ALREADY BEEN PASSED. Plus, he told Noah how big to build the ark. There was going to be no more people since even 10 more people would have thrown the size of the ark and food supply off. There was no salvation held out to anyone else.
Where else in the bible, except for 2 Pet 2:5, does it say Noah preached? Why would Noah waste time preaching if there wasn't going to be any more humans saved?
The Book of Enoch, which goes into great detail about the pre-flood era and does not mention him trying to save anyone. Even in Enoch's day there was already a Nephilim problem. I know WTBT$ says that the Nephilim were hybrids and unable to reproduce, but consider this, when the 10 spys crossed over into the land of Canaan, one of the spys remarked, "This land is full of giants, Sons of the Nephalim" So, the question is, What did they know about the Nephalim that they would even make such a comment?
So if they could reproduce, here's a crazy thought...What if the human race was being bred out of existence just like the Neanderthals? And Noah and his family were the last righteous and PURE humans left?